"More Than 23.5 Million Americans Suffer From An Autoimmune Disease And The Prevalence Is Rising"
Want to strengthen your immune system but not sure where to start? Scientific studies show that nitric oxide helps build immune response and can fight flu and virus symptoms. Here is ONE simple thing you can do every day to keep your heart healthy, increase your blood flow, and build up your immune system to defend yourself during any health crisis.
"More Than 23.5 Million Americans Suffer From An Autoimmune Disease And The Prevalence Is Rising"
The body is designed to circulate oxygen-rich blood and provide optimal levels of blood supply to all the body tissue. Your natural "built in" systemic circulation carries oxygenated blood through the arteries, to the capillaries and the tissues of the body.
But what happens when those arteries and capillaries tighten up and reduce the amount of blood that can flow through them? Your body will no longer work at its peak efficiency, causing a wide range of issues and challenges for you.
However… not only will your body experience a range of issues and challenges, it can also negatively impact your immune system. And in uncertain times, such as the recent "pandemic," it's even more important to keep your immune system functioning optimally.
Rarely will you come across a product that can have a profound impact on your health and well-being as Evolution Nutraceutical's Cardio Miracle®. Include it in your daily supplement regimen and experience the results for yourself!
The immune system protects the body against infection, disease, and help you recover from an injury.
But...What if you have a suppressed or weakened immune system?
What if your immune system starts attacking your body instead of protecting it?
People who have a weak immune system or immunocompromised patients are often at a higher risk of getting infected. Also, if the immune system starts attacking your body instead of safeguarding it from infections, you could have an autoimmune disorder like type 1 diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis.
More than 80 different autoimmune diseases exist?
Autoimmune diseases are more common in women and often run in families?
Unhealthy diet can cause the immune system to become more aggressive?
In the long run, excessive consumption of fast food can accelerate the development of diabetes and arteriosclerosis?
Diet high in sugar, high in fat, and low in fiber can cause your body to develop a strong inflammatory response similar to being infected with dangerous bacteria. A study that placed mice on a Western diet concluded that eating fast food in excess can cause the body to create a huge and powerful army of immune cells. This increases the chances of autoimmune diseases such as diabetes and heart diseases.
What if there were a simple way to strengthen your immune system without the use of prescription drugs or without making drastic changes in your diet?
Would you be interested to learn more?
Before we unveil the secret, let's first, understand a few things related to our immune system.
When is a Person
When a person is immunocompromised or immunosuppressed, it means their immune defenses are weakened and not functioning properly.
Our immune system is made up of an army of cells that destroy invaders in the body, in turn, protecting us against bacteria, viruses, infections, and even cancer. However, when the defense system is not functioning normally, an individual becomes vulnerable to infection.
Moreover, depending on the underlying conditions, the immune system compromise can be temporary or permanent.
Common Causes of a
Compromised Immune System?
There are some common chronic conditions that can affect the immune system. These include:
Other medical conditions that can leave a person immunocompromised are:
Moreover, there are different levels of immunosuppression. While some people are more susceptible to infections, others are at ongoing high risk. For the people that fall in the latter category, common infections like pneumonia can become life-threatening.
What are
Autoimmune Diseases?
Unlike infectious diseases, autoimmune diseases do not occur due to a microbe, virus, or bacteria. Instead, a person is a victim of autoimmune diseases when his own immune system starts making antibodies against the healthy cells.
Autoimmune disease can lead to inflammation and in certain cases weakness. There is a vast array of factors that increase a person's risk of developing autoimmune diseases including gender, environmental factors, and more.
Why Are Women At
Higher Risk of Acquiring
Autoimmune Diseases than Men?
If you are a woman, you are more likely to get an autoimmune disease as compared to your male counterpart.
"An astonishing 80% of individuals with autoimmune diseases are women."
A woman's body undergoes several hormonal changes in life. These changes in hormones can directly affect the innate and adaptive immunity along with the immune tolerance in women.
Researchers also found that androgens (produced more in a male body) reduce inflammation while estrogens (produced more in the female body) have pro-inflammatory effects.
"Globally, more than 700 million people suffer from some kind of an autoimmune disease, ranging from mild and moderate to severe"
"Try This 100% Natural Solution
To Strengthen the Immune System...
There is one thing that can completely transform the functional activity, growth, and death of your immune and inflammatory cell types including mast cells, macrophages, natural killer cells, neutrophils, and T lymphocytes.
It is so big and so significant, that in 1998, the scientists who discovered this little-known solution won the NOBEL PRIZE for medicine for their profound discovery.
Nitric Oxide...The "SPARK OF LIFE"
A gas that is produced naturally in the body is called Nitric Oxide or what many people refer to as N-O. Nitric Oxide has been called the "Spark of Life" because of the role it plays in healing the body.
When you're young...Nitric Oxide is produced in plentiful supply. But as you age, your body becomes less efficient at producing nitric oxide. By the age of 40, studies show that your body produces about 50% less Nitric Oxide than you did as a teenager.
Versatile Player That Helps Strengthen the Immune System
Nitric Oxide plays an important role in the immune system. Specialized cells of the immune system called macrophages produce Nitric Oxide in high amounts. Following infection, the body produces chemicals called cytokines to activate the cells of the immune system, including macrophages, and guide them to the site of infection.
A high amount of Nitric Oxide produced by the macrophages is toxic to the bacteria and helps in their destruction. In a similar manner, Nitric Oxide also helps protect the body against other types of infection including viruses and parasites.
A gas that is produced naturally in the body is called Nitric Oxide or what many people refer to as N-O. Nitric Oxide has been called the "Spark of Life" because of the role it plays in healing the body.
When you're young...Nitric Oxide is produced in plentiful supply. But as you age, your body becomes less efficient at producing nitric oxide. By the age of 40, studies show that your body produces about 50% less Nitric Oxide than you did as a teenager.
Versatile Player That Helps Strengthen the Immune System
Nitric Oxide plays an important role in the immune system. Specialized cells of the immune system called macrophages produce Nitric Oxide in high amounts. Following infection, the body produces chemicals called cytokines to activate the cells of the immune system, including macrophages, and guide them to the site of infection.
A high amount of Nitric Oxide produced by the macrophages is toxic to the bacteria and helps in their destruction. In a similar manner, Nitric Oxide also helps protect the body against other types of infection including viruses and parasites.
What is Nitric Oxide and
Why is It So Important?
In the past two decades, Nitric Oxide has been recognized as one of the most versatile players in the immune system.
N-O is capable of mediating cell to cell communication throughout the body. Moreover, Nitric Oxide plays a pivotal role in cell-mediated immunity response. Nitric Oxide is involved in the pathogenesis and control of infectious disease, chronic degenerative diseases, autoimmunity, and tumors.
Nitric Oxide is also known to have a protective effect on the gastrointestinal tract. In preclinical studies, it was found that Nitric Oxide helps maintain gastric mucosal integrity, repair NSAID-induced damage and inhibit leukocyte adherence to the endothelium.
In 1985, Nitric Oxide began to be recognized in immunology for its role in the immune system. It is a diatomic free radical, vasodilator, lipid-soluble that reacts with a variety of molecules and mediates a large spectrum of biological effects (Nathan and Hibbs, 1991).
Nitric Oxide has emerged as a potential powerful mediator of T-cell responses. It can suppress as well as enhance T-cell functions. N-O is also considered a potent inhibitor of lymphocytes proliferation and cytokine production. N-O also induces apoptosis.
Since the Nobel Prize was awarded for the discovery of the critical role of Nitric Oxide, there have been over 100,000 scientific articles written at some of the top medical research facilities around the world supporting the incredible benefits of Nitric Oxide. And realize this has all just happened over the past 20 years.
These studies have proved and verified that Nitric Oxide moderates blood pressure by relaxing the blood vessels and supporting a healthy endothelium, the one-cell linking your veins and arteries.
They discovered that Nitric Oxide must be present to facilitate the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, and when a sufficient quantity of N-O is not available, this vital exchange doesn't happen.
Other Key Functions of NITRIC OXIDE
It facilitates the repair of the capillaries, effectively treating things like:
By improving blood flow and delivering oxygen and nutrients to every cell in your body, Nitric Oxide literally helps your body heal itself, as it was naturally intended to do.
Nitric Oxide:
Here Are Key Symptoms That Can Be
An Indicator of Low Nitric Oxide...
Stay Healthy and Don't Fall Sick Often
There are many foods that can naturally help boost your Nitric Oxide production. But a Nitric Oxide supplement like the one I am about to share with you, is a simple and easy way to not only signal the production of Nitric Oxide but also to strengthen the immune system, distribute more oxygen and nutrients throughout your system, reduce inflammation, and promote a more healthy and energetic you...
Introducing...CARDIO MIRACLE®
Cardio Miracle® was developed from a different set of foundational principles. The philosophy behind this power health supplement was to build the most effective defense against heart disease and provide the best natural pathway to increased Nitric Oxide in the human body.
The objective was to create a product that delivered all the key vitamins, nutrients, and minerals, in the proper recommended amounts, without restrictions of cost. Cardio Miracle® was designed to provide a dual pathway delivery of Nitric Oxide, which provides an instant jolt of Nitric Oxide and then continues to naturally produce Nitric Oxide over many hours.
World's Finest Ingredients
Cardio Miracle® goes to great lengths to find the finest ingredients from all over the world. Decades of scientific studies and research have gone into the development of this one remarkable product built on a foundation of quality, which is why so many people have seen dramatic and spectacular results. It has lived up to its name...Cardio Miracle®!
Meet John Hewlett
Founder of Cardio Miracle®
On July 24, 2007, 55-year old John Hewlett, father of five, was rushed to the emergency room with acute appendicitis. During the emergency surgery his vital signs rose to dangerous levels, which triggered impending cardiac failure. He survived the surgery, but was facing the tragic ending to his life that his father, grandfather and other male relatives had fallen victim to at an early age: heart failure. Refusing another emergency surgery, he set out to find a natural alternative.
"I felt a strong resolve, and then peace, that I would find a better answer somehow. Something better than the recommended procedures, which I deeply felt could be crippling or fatal to my life."
Hewlett's Health Turnaround
Hewlett found the breakthrough scientific discovery of three Nobel Prize winners for their discovery of Nitric Oxide's role in the repair of the cardiovascular system and its related effect on blood pressure. Hewlett's cardiovascular disease symptoms stopped progressing after taking a Nitric Oxide supplement for just 90 days. This was the turning point that led him on a seven-year mission to develop the life-transforming Cardio Miracle® formula, meeting with preeminent scientists, doctors, and nutritionists in formulating a highly absorbable nutritional health drink that would be the ULTIMATE Nitric Oxide delivery system.
Look What These People
Had To Say About Cardio Miracle®
Dr. Bradley Nelson joined us a few years ago and we're on this mission and journey of healing together: to help HEAL the HEARTS of mankind, one person at a time.
"Cardio Miracle® is one of the few supplements my wife and I take every single day. The Cardio Miracle® formula is superior to any formula I have ever used. I believe that everyone should be on this formula to help protect and promote their health. In my own family we have a history of brain aneurysms. Cardio Miracle® is my preventive nutrition to minimize that risk for me. Highly recommended!"
Dr. Joshua Helman is an emergency medicine physician licensed in ten states. "Dr. Josh" has two degrees in biochemistry (a bachelor's degree from Harvard - magna cum laude - and a master's degree from the University of Cambridge in England). His medical degree is from Harvard Medical School and MIT. He is board-certified by the American Board of Emergency Medicine and a member of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine.
Watch Dr. Josh & Heidi Crockett's professional opinion on Cardio Miracle® HERE.
Dr. Malinski is the Marvin & Ann Dilley White Chair and Distinguished Professor of biomedical sciences at Ohio University, where he is the director of the Biochemistry Research Laboratory. His life’s work is dedicated to understanding the regulatory role of nitric oxide in the body, which has led to treatments for heart disease, stroke and other disorders.
Dr. Maliniski is currently working with John Hewlett and Cardio Miracle® to provide helpful insight and validated research about Cardio Miracle's® formulation being the most effective Nitric Oxide and Vitamin D supplement on the market.
Watch Dr. Malinski’s professional opinion on Cardio Miracle® HERE.
Discover Why These Health Experts
Believe So Strongly In Cardio Miracle®
"We invite you to try Nitric Oxide therapy for yourself and experience the body's magnificent ability to heal itself."
Try Cardio Miracle® Today!
CALL US: 1-800-663-0158
60-Day Money
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Information on this site is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to substitute for medical advice from your physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. Carefully read all product documentation. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your regular health care provider.